Identify Arthur Becker Studio's peers in the art world, including well-established and emerging artists, and engage with them regularly to establish Arthur's name.
Develop the Arthur Becker Studio brand, including a distinct voice and cohesive, visual aesthetics that complements his existing work.
Promote the newly launched Arthur Becker Studio website using screen grabs, interactive videos, and other posts.
Leverage the success of the feed to secure inclusion in top galleries in the United States and multiple profiles in The Wall Street Journal.
Highlight past series from Arthur Becker and tease the launch of upcoming series.
By executing a thoughtful and strategic Instagram feed mixed with Arthur's completed works, works-in-progress, and inspirational photos, Arthur Becker Studio has:
- Drawn the attention of several art galleries, resulting in Arthur Becker Studio's inclusion in relevant exhibitions
- Established relationships with up-and-coming artists in the New York City-area
- Leveraged the high quality posts for media opportunities, including The Wall Street Journal and Love, Art & Peace (art publication)
- Organically attracted nearly 800 followers in just four months
- Directed traffic to the Arthur Becker Studio website, further expanding the studio name and presence